Tree Fodder Seminar 2021:
Tree Fodder Seminar 2021 will start Monday evening, July 5th and run thru Saturday, July 10th. The Seminar will be in-person. The moon will be decreasing, so appropriate for the cutting of fodder.
*Schedule is somewhat flexible based upon the wishes of attendees*
COVID precautions will be mutually decided by attendees, and a few Zoom opportunities will be available for those who can't be here.
$130 full week, includes humble accommodations and food!
Partial attendance okay: Single events $0 to $30;
Single day, $30 to $60
Two days, $55 to $75
We have plenty of indoor accommodation & room for tents outside.
Please Call to register, (207) 338-3301.
Send checks to: Shana Hanson, 209 Back Belmont Rd., Belfast, ME 04915
Tree Fodder Seminar 2020:
Woody Pollards to Stimulate Green Growth for Climate: Practical Scaling Up.
Monday, July 6 thru Friday, July 10th.
Still room, plus ZOOM. If more numbers of folks want to come, or if folks are hiding more carefully from the virus, we offer one-on-one leaf fodder tutoring by appointment outdoors with white cedar and usnea (strong anti-viral medicines) to chew, at another time of your choice.
My own contact is mostly with goats, cow, hog, and trees. I also suspect prior exposure and immunity, plus trust my woods to provide and care for us.
Call (207)338-3301 to register (voicemail 24/7 - it's unplugged when I sleep).
$130 full week, includes humble accommodations and food!
Partial attendance okay: Single events $0 to $30;
Single day, $30 to $60
Two days, $55 to $75
Zooming from Home: Suggested Donations $5 to $10 per event (free if the donation discourages your participation, but know that we are paying each presenter a $50 Speaker Stipend in respect for their time and preparations).
ZOOM registration and PayPal payment:
Amelia Tracy <>
In-person attendance: Please Call to register, (207) 338-3301.
Send checks to: Shana Hanson, 209 Back Belmont Rd., Belfast, ME 04915, or
PayPal to:
in Person:
Limited to 4 individuals or families,
includes: well-spaced camping with your own gear and meals, shift
access to well-ventilated room with small indoor cook-stove in case
of rain, and various sheltered spaces to hang out.
(still somewhat flexible, plus subject to changes at wishes of
attendees – CALL TO CONFIRM):
June 29 POSTPONED; Please call because we are re-scheduling: on Zoom or recording, 6 to 8 pm: Food Choices (and Growing Methods!)
for Climate Benefit –
Amelia Tracy and
Shana Hanson and present and lead
July 5, MOFGA Day-tripping Tour of 3 Streams Farm,
8:30 - 10 am: Free public event.
will try to video
for those who want to watch
to 4 people or small
families may come in
person and we will maintain outdoor distance.
Campers, all day, any time: Arrive, settle, cook, swim, read leaf fodder literature (select then quaranine after).
– 7 pm: Supper
– 9 pm: Participants present about their home places, spaced
outdoors in clearcut with goats.
July 6, Fodder
Opportunities at
Unity not open to public but possibly Shana and one helper will go for Shana's annual volunteering to do at least the willows
to 11:30 am: Prune willows and pack
of Willow Silage.
to 12:45 : Lunch picnic
to 5 pm: “Single”
Coppiced Hardwoods and
Harvest “Invasives”
to make Drying Piles.
MOFGA’s PTO-driven Chipper for Leaf - Wood Separation,
and make Chipped
(with or without wood chips included). Probably won't get to this piece this time, but we may at least check out MOFGA's chipper with Jack Kertesz.
pm to 6 pm: Collect plant samples on the way home, and
Hog-, and Cow-test Palatability
of “Invasives”
back at 3 Streams Farm.
to 7:15 pm:
Supper at 3 Streams Farm
to 8:30:
Plants and Soil/Climate Remediation,
Hanson leades discussion
and literature review. (Can
attend remotely by Zoom).
July 7, Fodder
Production in Woodlands
3 Streams Farm in Belfast (am)
and Belmont (pm): No one is signed up so Shana is here farming, inc. climbing. Feel free to leave a phone voicemail and/or come find me, if you would like to climb!
am to
Spikes, Ropes and
woodland ash -
skills, tree physiology etc.
skills, tree physiology etc.
to 1 pm: Lunch
or 1:15 pm: Drive
or bike from
3 Streams Farm, Belfast
to 3 Streams Belmont land (3 miles).
to 5 pm: Pollarding a
Younger Woodland,
and Rigging a
Chipper for Leaf - Wood Separation.
to 6:30
pm: Supper (back at 3 Streams Farm, Belfast)
to 8:30 pm: Probably cancelled. Cliff Davis, Spiral
Ridge Permaculture/Pig
& Leaf Farm
presentation (Zoom
from TN)
July 8,
and Fungi
3 Streams lands in Belfast, Belmont, and Lincolnville:
to Noon:
What Trees Grow Where?
With Dave Roque, State Soil Scientist (going all 3 places).
to 1 pm: Lunch
on the blueberry field, east end Levenseller Mt., WALKING
PATH FROM Belmont/Lincolnville
to 4 pm, CANCELLED due to couldn't get mushroom spawn, logs not cut in time, low attendance sign-up. We may do in late FALL. Call if interested. Belmont:
Red Oak Shitake
Production from
Nosach and
Lizzy Hayes of
Mercer Mushroom Museum,
on Crie Rd. off Lincolnville
to 6 pm, Demo Plot at 3 Streams
Farm, Belfast (eastward
down front stream): Inventory
of Plants
and Other
that have appeared.
05 to 7 pm: Supper
July 9, Farm
Teltane Farm (am) and
the Great Farm in Jackson (pm):
10:00 to 11:30: Mark Fulford's Orchard
at Teltane Farm
in Monroe?
Midday: Lunch picnic
at the river.
or 1:30 to 3 or 4 pm: Graham
Mallory leads tour of
Silvopasture at the
Great Farm in Jackson,
feller-buncher discussiono for
thinning or pollarding. Then we will fill a barrel or two with ash silage from singling or pruning young stump sprouts.
to 5:30 pm: Seaweed
at Sandy Point Beach, Stockton.
-7 pm: Supper (back at 3 Streams Farm)
to 9:30 pm: Astral and
Climate Influences
a goat (cow too?) walk, Glen Larabee’s clearcut behind 3 Streams
July 10,
and Nuts:
11:00 to 12:30, Unity: Tour Jack Kertesz’s Diverse Species Survivors.
to 3 pm, Montville:
Moe Martin's two
generations of Plantings
on Hogback Mountain.
to 5:30 pm: Jeanne Calabrese presents Food Access to
Native Fruits and Nuts at City Orchards Chicago
from IL).
to 7 pm: Supper
to 9 pm: Open No-mic and closing circle (spaced around
a fire out back).
3 Streams Farm presents:
Hedgelaying a Living Fence at MOFGA;
Traditional Midland Bullock hedge skill-building day/s
Saturday, May 2nd cancelled due to MOFGA's concerns re: virus.
We'll try Sat., May 1st (Beltane), 2021, 8 AM – 4 PM, and also Sunday, May 2nd if enough interest.
Shana, Nigel and Catherine with live hedge just laid (photo Matthew Sheehan)
sprouting at Tittesworth, UK
Potluck lunch with soup provided.
$35-$65 sliding fee MOFGA members; $50-$85 sliding fee non-members;
Working scholarships or barters available.
Call 338-3301 to register (leave voicemail), or email (not preferred, but ok);
Send checks or pay cash to Shana Hanson, 209 Back Belmont Rd., Belfast, ME 04915
Where? MOFGA Grounds: Meet at the Red Barn near the Wind Tower, Crosby Rd. near Rt. 220, Unity, ME
Hedges when well-laid can contain livestock, with added benefits of shade, browse, and trimmings for fodder when pastures are dry. Environmental and ornamental uses are now surpassing use with livestock, as nesting birds arrive immediately upon sprouting, and a newly laid hedge is an artwork of landscape-scale basketry.
Shana Hanson of 3 Streams Farm was first taught to lay hedges by Paul Hand of Bees and Trees (who may come!), in Lentwardine, England in 2017. Then in Nov. 2019 she was tutored with two others by Nigel Adams, a professional Midland hedgelayer from the UK, in a day-long workshop at Wellspring Forest Farm in Trumansburg, NY.
We will tackle the brushy wild hedgerow between MOFGA’s south parking fields with traditional and modern tools, to learn and practice skills of selecting and clearing pleachers, pleaching, building, staking, binding and trimming a hedge, plus tricks to fill gaps, protect new shoots from livestock, and solve other practical puzzles that arise in creating a wild hedge.
Hedge species, sources, and planting recommendations (beyond the diversity of the MOFGA edges) will be discussed. Some nursery stock may be available on site, and also possibly some billhooks and axes for trial and purchase.
Participants will leave with competency to create their own hedges, whether from wild edges or planted rows.
Fodder Seminar 2019: Trees in the food chain for Climate Remediation
$0-$25 single events; $120 full week (food and simple lodging included).
$50-65/2days. $35-50 Mon. only; $45 Tues. only;
$25-35 Wed. or Thurs.; $10 Fri.
Partial or full barter offers considered and often accepted.
Call (207)338-3301
to register.
Unless stated otherwise, Belfast events are at 3 Streams Farm, 209 Back
Belmont Rd., Belfast.
Monday, July 1,
5:30 PM Potluck, 6:30-8 PM
Talk/Discussion, Belfast Free Library:
Free. Green
Foliage Can Change Climate. Sy Schotz has been studying with Didi Pershouse; he and Shana Hanson will offer a review of science on climate, and
beneficial land practices, then facilitate discussion.

The following week-long
schedule is flexible with changes possible in response to wishes of participants.
Monday, July 8, 8
AM- 4 PM, MOFGA day, Unity: Tree leaves in the Farm Food Chain. Climate science related to trees; showcase of
tree leaf resource use on 3 farms, inc. updates from SARE Tree Leaf Fodder
study; pack willow silage; try vertical branch stacking ; connect and get
questions answered. * Possibly can attend 1st half via your internet
Monday, July 8, 6:30-8 PM, Cliff Davis of Spiral
Ridge Permaculture in Summertown,
Tennessee zooms with us about Pollarding
and Coppicing Trees over Ground Crops for Hogs and Sheep. * Possible to
attend via your internet device.
Tuesday, July 9, 8-12 AM and 1- 4 PM, Belfast: Climbing Trees Safely with
arborists, inc. harness with double rope, lanyard, possibly spikes (by then we
may know if desired sprouting was stimulated by spiking of bare trunks in our
SARE FNE18-897 Demo Area, increasing future climbability).
Tuesday, July 9,
7- 8:30 PM, Belfast, Free: Traditional
Knowledge and Science on How Trees Drive Rain Cycles: literature review, and discussion related to
the landscape around us and our endeavors to have a positive local (global)
Wednesday, July 10, 9-12 AM, Belfast: Ivan
Fernandez of UME School of Forest Resources and Climate
Change Institute on Woodland Soils
and Forest Health in Changing Conditions . Ivan studies the biogeochemical response of
forests and forested watersheds to management, air pollution, temperature
change and moisture stress.
Wednesday, July 10, 1- 4 PM, Belfast:
Geoff Nosach and Lizzy Hayes of Mercer
Mushroom Museum on
Agaricus, Stropharia, & Shitake
Mushroom Cultivation for Agroforestry, Leaf-based Livestock, and Silvopastural
Wednesday, July 10, 6:30- 8 PM, Belfast,
Free: Collaborations with Biomass, Logging, Arborist and Roadside
Clearing Operations for ensiling chipped leafy branches or stripped leaves: brainstorming/ communication session to reach
out to opportunities local to our farms, and to design mechanical alternatives
for efficient stripping of leaves.
Thursday, July 11, 9-12 AM, Swanville: Meadowsweet Farm Tour with Eliot Van Peski and Rayna Palm, who have
been shifting Back Angus cattle and Icelandic sheep paddocks to include
woodland felling, and also are storing dried leaves
Thursday, July 11, 1:30- 5 PM: Searsmont: Faithful
Venture Farm Tour; Shana Hanson is assessing woodland edges of Glendon
Mehuren’s Holstein pastures, to trial industrialized leaf fodder harvest for
bulk silage back-up feed.
Choices there (group decides): Tie and Stack
Traditional sheaves; More Ways to Climb; Pollarding 101.
Thursday, Juy 11, 7-7:45 PM, Belfast:
Ecosystem Studies in Brazil, zooming with Juan Alvez, UVM Research Associate in grazing management, agroecology, ecological
economics, etc. * Possible to
attend via your internet device.
Thursday, July 11, 8:30-10 PM, Belfast: Moon/Tides/Plants dark walk with goats; before daylight leaves,
we will review research on tree sprouting and moon phases (including a 13th
century doc. if anyone reads Italian).
Friday, July 12,
Nut & Fruit Day, in
collaboration with Maine Tree Crop Alliance:
10 AM- 12:30, Carpool
from Belfast to Appleton: Visit LiLi’s Mulberry to eat
fruit and look for seed, then Black Walnuts.
12:30-2:30 PM, Carpool
from S. Montville to Camden: Bag lunch
picnic near Chestnuts at
Shirttail Beach (swim!).
2:30- 5 PM,
from Camden to Lincolnville, then Belmont:
Tree fodder
ideas at Belfast Blueberry Cooperative on Levenseller Mt., then visit
and consider farming of Shana’s Belmont Red Oaks. Back to Belfast: Potluck supper.
Friday, 6:30-
8 PM, Belfast: Tree/Livestock Performance and Open “Mic,” outdoors with goats and other livestock.
“Trees feed Livestock feed Soil; Farmer Ecology & Skills for a Changing Planet,”
Sat. July 8 – Sun. July 14, 2018 (with partial attendance options). Based at 3 Streams Farm, Belfast, ME
$150 full week (food and simple lodging included). $60/2days. $35-50 Mon. only; $45 Tues. only; $35/day Wed., Thurs., or Fri.; $0-$25 single events. Call (207) 338-3301 to register.
Sun., July 8: Our Farms and Studies: Meet, greet, dip in ponds. Make soup, share info., explore literature.
12 noon – 2pm: Soup served.
12:30 – 2pm: New (or “knew”) bits of Knowledge; Discuss anything we’ve gleaned useful to tree foddering.
2 – 5pm: Walk and discuss Climate Challenges and Active Hope, while touring Pollarded Trees, and
Woodland Duff Production under the ‘air meadow’.
5 – 6:30pm: Cook and eat Supper. (Additional farm products welcome.)
6:30 – 8:30pm: Bring and share Picture Presentations of our Farms
(small Windows laptop with USB port and cable internet available.)
9:15 – 10:15pm: Star-Gazing Goat Walk with Hanlon Kelley. Discussion of Ernst Zurcher’s and possibly Viviana Ferrario’s information on Effects of Moon Phases on Tree Sprouting Responses.
Mon., July 9: MOFGA Tree Fodder Day:
6 am: Breakfast laid out, self-serve.
7 am: Shana’s carpool (inc. 2 goats) to MOFGA (25 miles from 3 Streams Farm) leaves.
8 - 9am at MOFGA: Snacks, Tree Teas, and Resource Sharing Table.
9 – 4pm: MOFGA Tree Fodder Day: Animals eat what? Enlivening Soil thru Tree-based Livestock Farming
See page 3 for details. Lunch soup provided; potluck offerings invited; bag lunch also okay.
5 – 6:30pm at 3 Streams Farm: Swim. Cook and eat Supper.
6:30 – 8:30 pm: Try each other’s Tools; Piece up Dry Brush for Sat. biochar burn.
Tues., July 10: Climbing and Storage (plus Invasive Pests):
4:30 – 7am: Prune, Walk with goats.
7 – 8am: Breakfast.
8 – 12:30 Adam Lynn, Eric Dayan and Edgar Evenkeel mentor us to Climb Safely with Rope and Harness.
Shana guides us to Prune for ‘Air Meadow’ Development, and to Prepare Branches for Fast On-site Storage.
12:30 – 1:30: Pond dip, Lunch.
1 -2pm: Hildy Ellis on Invasive Forest Pests (overlaps lunch).
2 – 5pm: Eric, Adam, and Edgar mentor us to Move Trees with Rope and Throw Line, plus more Climbing.
Shana guides us to Prune, and to Ensile Stripped Leaves or Twig-leaves.
4pm: MOFGA Daytrippers invited to come see what we are doing.
5 – 6:30pm: Cook and eat Supper.
6:30 – 8 pm: Michael Walder (skyped) on: Economics, Ergonomics, and Animal Logistics of Feeding Leaves.
Wed., July 11: Mushrooms and Soil:
5 – 7am: Fetch Drifted Seaweed from the bay, downtown. Swim!
7 – 8am: Breakfast.
8 – 11am: Growing Edible Mushrooms on Fodder Wastewood, with CJ Sloane.
11 – 12 noon: Use feet and edge tools on aged brush for use digesting rock powders under fodder trees.
12 – 1pm: Lunch.
1 – 5pm: Jameson Waines and Mark Fulford possibly join us to pursue Tasks and Strategies to foster Soil and Fungal Life, and Feed Trees. Mark possibly lectures on How to Learn to create Plant Resilience thru Soil Biology.
5 – 6:30pm: Cook and eat Supper with Many Mushrooms and Some Seaweed.
6:30 – 9pm: Hike-in Movie (on computer outdoors while watching goats): “The Shepherdess”?
Thurs., July 12: Open Grown Trees and Field Trips:
5 – 7am: Complete twig-leaf stack and silage barrel.
7 – 8am: Breakfast.
8 – 12 noon: Edgar Evenkeel helps us Use a Lanyard to Position in Open Grown Branchy Trees (and prune them). Eliza Greenman and Shana Hanson show Safety Tricks for Free Climbing.
12 – 1pm: Lunch.
1pm: Carpool to Waldoview Farm in Winterport.
1:30 – 3:30pm: (Winterport) Tom Hodgman shows us Apple-Rose-etc. Browse Management with Katadin sheep and Devon Cattle.
– 5:45pm: (Monroe) Vincent Versillo discusses (with cheese
and a peek in the Cheese Cave) likely
effects of Tree Leaf
Fodder in Cheeses,
and Seth Yentes shows us the
Adams Biochar Retort
they have built, both at North
Branch Farm.
6:15 – 7:45: Cook and eat Supper (overlaps presentation).
7 – 9pm: Eliza Greenman and Shana Hanson report on Colloque Trognes 2018 in Sare, France.
Fri., July 13: Nut and Fruit Fodder:
4:30 – 7am: Goat walk, swim.
7 – 8am: Breakfast.
8 – 10am: Hog walk and fence move; visit old fodder apple trees.
10 - 12: Rotational Fodder-Forest Pig Utopia; Cultivars for Timely Harvests. Eliza Greenman
12 noon: Pack lunch and car pool to:
12:30 – 1pm: (Martin Rd., Montville) Picnic on Moe Martin’s hillside.
1 – 3:30pm: (still at Moe’s) Tour Nuts, Sample Rare Fruits, and Prune a Kiwi Jungle and Black Locust Grove.
3:30 – 4:30, at Moe’s, or 4 - 5pm, at 3 Streams: Eric Evans and Jack Kertez (?) report on Nut Crops We’ve Planted.
5 – 6:30pm: Cook and eat Supper with Leached Acorn Meal and Jackson Regenerational Farm Pork.
6:30 – 9pm: Tree, Leaf and Livestock Songs with Sarah and Bill Smith, and Anna Dembska, outdoors with goats.
Sat., July 14: Biochar and Tree Tars:
5 – 7am: Set up a tight Slow-burn Charring Mound, based on picture in Rotherham (2013).
7 – 8am: Breakfast.
8 – 12 noon: Set up and light brush around a can each for Pine and Birch Tar Producton. If cool and seems wise, light and monitor Charring Mound. Possibly pack and light small Biochar Retort with Lee Lauffer.
12 – 1pm: Lunch Picnic, next to burns.
1 – 2pm: Last Circle with short stories, insights, feedback, requests, creative performances. Dowse Burns.
2 – 4pm: Time for Request Completion – finish loose ends, look up last resources, or repeat something fun.
MOFGA Tree Fodder Day
Monday, July 9, 2018. MOFGA Exhibition Hall & grounds, Unity, ME.
eat what??
Enlivening Soil thru Tree-based Livestock Farming
This day is part of Tree Fodder Seminar 2018:
“Trees feed Livestock feed Soil; Farmer Ecology & Skills for a Changing Planet,”
based at 3 Streams Farm, Sat. July 8 – Sun. July 14 (with partial attendance options). See for schedule updates! (schedule draft attached below).
Livestock were sustained by tree foliage and tree crops world-wide for 8 millennia. Only for 100 years, in industrial nations, have farmers and livestock been shifting to feeds and foods from tilled soil. This day will feature a tree fodder resource sharing table, historic slide show, presentations by farmers who are feeding their livestock from trees, Q &A discussion, outdoor planning and skill practice for transition of various landscapes to fodder production, and storage discussion with samples of fodders provided and invited.
Monday only, $35 MOFGA or NOFA members, $50 non-members. Limited scholarships available.
For more information contact Anna Mueller at or call (207) 568- 4142.
8:00 – 9:00 am: Resource Sharing Table; Tree teas, snacks; Registration and check–in.
Bring your books, articles, and pictures. Rare books on leaf harvest will be there.
Farm animal silhouettes (add your breeds) and blank ‘topic’ signs for lunch discussions.
Bring leaf fodder, fruit, and nut samples for the end-of-day storage discussion.
9:00 – 9:40 am: History and Benefits of a Tree-Based Farmer Ecology. Shana Hanson with possible guests.
9:40 – 9:50 am: Q & A
10:00 – 11:10 am: Who Eats What Fodder from Trees? Farmers present how they are using fodder from trees for hogs, sheep, goats, cows, and rabbits. CJ Sloan, Matt Kominsky/Rachel Haas, Shana/Michael Walder, Kip Quimby
11:20 – 12 noon: Q & A in circle (Allow knowledge base in room to be shared)
12 – 12:05 pm: Livestock Species Count; Prep. for Informal Lunch Discussions. Hold up Animal or Topic signs that you want to connect about, after species count, to settle at tables.
12:05 – 1:00 pm: LUNCH. Soup provided; pot luck offerings invited, bag lunches okay too.
1:00 – 3:00 pm: Design a Transition to Tree Fodder. Consider development or planting potentials within soils and species present; prune three small sample areas. Wheeler saws, bill hooks, loppers to share (can bring).
In: MOFGA’s newer young patch of Intact Woodland, Open-grown Willows etc. in Children’s Area, and Woodland Edge near Sheep Barn. Shana Hanson, CJ Sloane (reachable fodders), Edgar Evenkeel (climbing), Dave Rocque (soil potentials), and Goats (taste).
3:10 – 4:00 pm: Storage Discussion Circle. Describe storage experiences. Share samples of tree leaf fodders, fruits, and nuts. Wrap up with remaining questions, reflections, and evaluations.
Fodder Seminar 2017:
Can Climb; Arboreal Pruning Skills for Livestock Feed Security,
July 9 thru Saturday, July 15.
attendance encouraged. Flexible registration fees, with
work and organic food trades accepted.
registration $150 suggested, includes meals and primitive lodging.
Shana at (207) 338-3301 or email
Sunday July 9, 10 am -12:30:
Arrive, Settle into rooms and camps, swim, try various
Outdoor Camp Stoves that can use
fodder refuse, to make
12:30 pm: Lunch
1 pm - 2: Round Robin to Hear about
each other's Tree Fodder Interests and Experience.
2 pm – 5: Harvest from
Established and Accessible Fodder Trees, and learn Considerations
and Methods for Fresh Feeding and Drying, including Q
and A on Seasonal Nutritional Windows per Plant Species, with
Shana Hanson, 3 Streams Farmer.
5:30 pm – 9:30: Open–Fire
Biochar Burn of Fodder Refuse, and Community Cook-out.
Monday, July 10, 6 am - 8:
MOFGA Day Tripping farm tour here at 3 Streams Farm, Belfast,
ME, includes the goats (pigs part-way), for an overview of tree
fodder projects and progress here.
8:30 – 9:30: Breakfast, Pancakes
with Lots of Fruit. Day Tripping visitors welcome to share
this meal.
9:30 am – 12: A Closer look at
Fodder Tree Development and Pruning Instruction with Shana
3 Streams Farmer studying traditional
Air Meadow practices since 2011, and tree care since 1982.
12 noon – 1:30: While we cook and
eat Lunch, discuss Biologist Ingvild Austad’s studies of
Chipping Pollarded Fodder for Sheep, Soil Effects of Pollards in
Wooded Hay Meadows, etc., and type up questions to email to her,
(she has agreed to answer).
1:30 pm – 2:30 or 3: Pollards in
England; Lessons from Very Old Trees, photos from Shana’s
winter 2017 trip, and Skype Phone with Paul Hand on Black Poplar
Pollard Development, Bees and Trees, UK.
3 pm – 6: Leaf Harvest and
Storage; Silage and Dry Hay; hands-on work led by Shana, informed
by 2016 Unity College silage bucket trials and 2016 Seminar rack
storage and other dry storages.
6pm – 7:30: While we cook and
before and after eating Supper, Literature and Pictures;
Traditions and Research around Leaf Fodder, Shana Hanson’s
indexed collection of articles and classic texts, plus what others
Tuesday, July 11, 7 am:
8 am – 12:30, and (Lunch, then) 1:30
pm – 5: Climbing Skills with Rope and Harness , Adam Lynn,
Licensed Arborist and experienced teacher will demonstrate then
mentor us in opening woodland canopies. Our purpose is to
minimize felling, but optimize tree elbow room, access to sunlight,
and life-spans of a multi-aged stand, including some large
trees that with extreme pruning can become immediately productive ,
while releasing understory saplings to develop as classic pollard
5:30 pm – 8: Cook and eat Supper,
plus Cultural Considerations; Climbers in Other Places; Nepal,
(Peru? Africa?), Carol Kinsey, SeedTree; request to Adam Stone,
Camp Forest. Short Video by Beeju Poudyal.
Wednesday, July 12, 8 am:
9 am – 12: Ideal Micro-sites for
Tree Species and Ways to Enhance Soil Geology for Happy Fodder
Trees, Dave Roche, ME State Soil Scientist.
Wednesday, July 12 continued, 12
-1 pm: Lunch
1 pm: Carpool 20 miles from 3 Streams
Farm to Teltane Farm in Monroe, for
1:30 pm – 4, at Teltane Farm, Monroe,
Use of Chipped Ramial Wood mulches
(can be fodder refuse) in producing Diverse, Optimally Nutritious
Food Crops,
Biochar from Meal Preparation;
Skills from a Rice Hull – Biochar/Worm – Rice Transplanting
Cycle, and
Feeding Biochar to Livestock;
Optimum Ways to Inoculate and Apply Biochar from Woody Refuse,
all presented by Mark Fulford,
Biological Farming Skills consultant extraordinaire.
4:30 pm – 6: Explore, chip and
crunch fodder refuse in 3 Streams winter goat yard; Collect
and plan use of biochar from Sunday night burn, both as we
integrate knowledge gained from Mark at Teltane Farm.
6 pm – 7: Cook and eat Supper.
7 pm – 9:30: Bird and Frog Song
(and Coyote?) Goat Walk, Larkspur Morton. Request to Mike
Thursday, July 13, 7 am:
8 am – 12 noon: More Arborist
Climbing Skills and Moving the Cut Tree Hulk; Throw Ball Use
etc., hands-on mentoring by Eric Dayan, Licensed Arborist.
12 noon – 1:30 Lunch and swim.
1:30 pm – 2:30: Tree Fodder and
Humans; Increased Medicinal Compounds in Stressed Plants Versus
Healthy Plant Foods as Medicine, Steve Byers, Clinical Herbalist,
with Eliza Greenman joining abt. apples.
2:30 pm – 5:30: Continue work on our
Woodland Air Medow Demo Site, and storage Method Trials.
5:30 pm – 7: Cook, Eat, and discuss
Carbon in Soil and Climate Challenges; Can Our Farm Micro-cosms
Shift Culture?, Catrina Dimarzo, Paul Kramer, and Eliza Greenman.
Friday, July 14, 8 am:
9 am – 12 noon: Exploration and
Collection of Obscure Nut & Fruit Tree Genetics for Animal
Pig Sustenance through Orchard
Cleaning, and Pollarded Leaf Preferences of Hogs, all
Eliza Greenman, Orchardist, Cider Specialist, Nurserywoman,
Permaculture Designer, Forester.
Simultaneous Sow and Boar Opinions
of Tree Foods, & observing Hog Responses to Soil &
12:15 pm: Carpool 3 miles to 3 Streams
Farm’s Belmont lot.
12:25 pm – 1:20, at 3 Streams lot
with “For Sale” sign, just south of Belmont Town Office on
Lincolnville Rd.: Picnic Lunch and consider Fodder
Opportunities in Younger Tree Growth.
1:20 pm: Carpool 2 miles from 3
Streams Belmont lot to Jackson Regenerational Farm in Belmont,
1:30 pm – 4:30, at Jackson
Regenerational Farm, Belmont, ME: Developing a Savannah Style
Tree Fodder System for Pigs, Poultry, Goat, and Cow, Initial Stages;
Tour and Work Party, with Nick Jackson, Sarah Mahan and family.
5:30 pm – 7 (back at 3 Streams
Farm): Cook and Eat, plus Introducing Unusual Nuts and Fruits
into Maine Tree Communities; What Works?, Moe Martin, Hogback
Mt., Montville, with Eliza and Shana as well, and Opportunities
for Growing Chestnuts, the Progress of the Breeding Program, and
Observations about Hazels, Chinkapins, and Heartnuts, Eric
Evans, American Chestnut Society, Camden.
Saturday, July 15, Group choice
of schedule, to Complete Projects, Plan Next Steps, and Share
Contacts: Eric Dayan 380-3095,
Adam Lynn 357-7675,
Dave Roche 287-2666 or 215-4918, Mark Fulford 525-7761 or 949-5644,
Eliza Greenman 240-415-8247, Carol Kinsey 567-3056, Larkspur Morton
342-2459 or 322-2973, Steve Byers 205-2515, Catrina Dimarzo and Paul
Kramer, 445-8258, Moe Martin 589-4377, Eric Evans 236-9635.
Boosting Climate Resilience
and Biodiversity in Perennial Farm Ecosystems
through use of Air Meadow
Tree Fodder Seminar July 10 -16 (partial attendance invited) at 3
Streams Farm in Belfast, ME.
(Slotte, 2000)
The following
Schedule is flexible with swimming, reading, or other
breaks any time (3 ponds).
Participant consensus for changes;
input is welcome.
Saturday evening and Sunday morning, land, settle and
Sunday: 12:00 convene for
1:00 pm Shana Hanson presents an
2 :00 pm Farm
Tour with questions and answers. Some pruning and hauling to
feed goats.
5:00 pm share Hopes
and Interests, and thoughts on Schedule while we prepare
7:00 pm circle to
Present about our Farms, in clear-cut with goats.
7:00 am prepare breakfast.
8:00 am Pruning
Basics for Pollard Development; work open-grown and edge trees to
learn structural and tree health concepts.
11:30 optional dip
in ponds.
12:00 lunch.
1:00 pm Shana
presents Initial Pruning on Tall Trees, Mike Jastram, Arborist
presents Methods and Safety. Discussion and practice of Fresh
Fodder Feeding Methods, while we create a supply of fodder for
the goats.
5:00 pm prepare supper.
6:30 pm peruse Shana’s Literature. Phone Interview with
Michael Walder of Mahna Farm.
Tuesday: 7:00 am prepare breakfast.
8:00 am Shana presents A Forest-Level View; Selection and Design
9:00 am Mike Jastram, Arborist presents Felling with the
Understory in Mind
10 AM Billhook lesson with Benjamin Bouchard. Fell,
prune and lop in the woods to produce green matter.
11:30 optional dip in ponds.
12:00 lunch.
1:00 pm Mark Fulford
presents Tree Contributions to Soil Health; Biochar, Fungi and
Ecological Resilience. Look at various remains of ramial wood
from feeding of tree fodder, to choose our “habits for our
2:00 pm Instruction by Shana on Tying Sheaves, with practice
on the morning’s green matter.
5:00 pm prepare supper.
6:30 pm Carol Kinsey of Seed Tree tells us about Tree Fodder in
Nepal. Discussion of Real Economics.
Wednesday: 7:00 am prepare breakfast.
8:00 am Shana Hanson leads Rack and Stack Design; we will
choose our method and locate/gather poles.
10:00 am David Rocque, State Soil Scientist will teach us about
Reading Soils for Tree Species Success.
11:30 optional dip in ponds.
12:00 lunch.
1:00 pm phone
Interview with Paul Hand of Bees and Trees, UK., while we
Build a Rack. Add existing twig-leaf sheaves. Choose and
harvest trees for more greenery.
4:00 pm Shana leads discussion of Seasonal Nutritional Windows
of plant species, as we tie more sheaves.
5:00 pm prepare supper.
6:30 pm Browse Walk with Prof. Fred Servello’s custom Q and
A document about his Deer Browse Research
Thursday: 7:00 am prepare breakfast.
8:00 am continue to Practice Harvest Skills. Choose
differring woodland areas to work.
10:30 am Shana leads consideration of Journaling and Data
Collection Methods, as we add more sheaves.
11:30 optional dip in ponds.
12:00 lunch.
1:00 pm Herbal
Consultation on Tree Barks and Leaves with Stephen Byers,
Herbalist, while we strip tea bark or play with raffia.
2:30 pm Review
each other’s morning pruning, then continue harvest and storage
5:00 pm prepare supper.
6:00 pm guest visit
from Morten Moesswilde, State Forester (translator of German for
Shana’s tree fodder studies). Discussion of Leaf Fodder in the
European Historical Context, as we finish supper.
Walk to our sites,
queries inc. tree pollination and Viable Species Populations and
Spacing, plus Morten’s Forestry Thoughts and Offerings
as he sees what we are doing.
Friday: 7:00 am prepare breakfast.
8:00 am discuss people’s priorities to cover topics further;
complete our harvest structures.
11:30 optional dip in ponds.
12:00 lunch.
1:00 pm share our Home Plans for Tree Fodder, both ongoing
projects and new thoughts.
2:00 pm continue to cover people’s priorities.
5:00 pm prepare supper.
7:00 pm Open No-Mic with music, stories or what-have-you.
Biochar Burn,
or smaller fire, if not too dry and people want to do.
7:00 am prepare breakfast.
8:00 am plan our public MOFGA sponsored "day tripping"
presentation (happening at 1 pm).
Continue to work on people’s priorities.
11:30 optional dip in ponds.
12:00 lunch.
1:00 pm Lead members of the public in a MOFGA sponsored "Day
Tripping" Tour.
3:00 pm Closing
4:00 pm adjourn.
$150 suggested contribution covers instruction and room or campsite
plus meal ingredients for the week.
$35 is suggested to attend one day, and $20/day suggested
contribution for additional days.
$10 suggested donation to attend any single presentation.
3 billhooks are available at cost, $61.77 each, but requested to be
shared (plus Shana’s) during the seminar.
Call Shana at (207) 338-3301 FMI and to register.
209 Back Belmont Rd., Belfast, ME 04915
Participant consensus for changes; input is welcome.
Monday: 7:00 am prepare breakfast.
5:00 pm prepare supper.
Saturday 7:00 am prepare breakfast.
4:00 pm adjourn.